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How do I create an agency-specific workflow

Creating or starting an agency-specific workflow or workspace on the TurboSBIR software app

Rupak Doshi avatar
Written by Rupak Doshi
Updated over a week ago
  1. On the TurboSBIR Dashboard (), click on the 'Start a Proposal' button in the Proposals in Progress section.

  2. Select the agency that the funding opportunity that you are targeting corresponds to. If you aren't sure which funding opportunity to target, you can use our search engine to find funding opportunities, request a consulting call with our team (if it is included in your plan or through the Add-On Services tab), or sign up for the Pro Search tier on TurboSBIR.

  3. Select the Phase of your project. >80% of all startups select Phase I, as they are usually early in their product's commercialization life cycle.

  4. Enter a title for your workspace. This is only for your own reference, so name it in a way that you can distinguish it from other proposals that you may start. You can also change this name later on if you wish. We recommend the nomenclature [Company Name] - [Agency Name] - Short 2-3 word description - Month/Year. You may also give yourself a deadline to complete the project that may be the day of the deadline or a few days in advance to get ready for submission.

Clicking on the Next button will result in the creation of your workflow on your Dashboard.

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